Our Training Approach

Inclusive Excellence specializes in engaging executive and senior teams, and people leaders at all levels—from the boardroom to jobsite—and across some of the most complex industries. Our particular focus is to support leaders’ confidence and readiness to visibly lead and substantively support the effort towards equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). 

Our initial engagement with leadership teams provides a “level set” of the core EDI concepts and language, a sense of the EDI journey, and establishing a common language. The aim is to establish an “EDI mindset,” address uncertainties and prime leadership teams to develop core “EDI competencies” (observable approaches and behaviours that produce greater thought diversity and psychological safety in the workplace.) 

We also have experience connecting the series of modules on the right into existing leadership programs, ensuring EDI competencies are understood as a means to effectively leading an increasingly complex workforce.

Core Training Modules

  • 90 MIN | Virtual | In-Person

    We begin by establishing a basic literacy around diversity and inclusive excellence by providing a common understanding. This session also explores how inclusion excellence contributes to a mentally healthier, and psychologically and physically safe workplace.

  • 120 MIN | Virtual | In-Person

    We begin by establishing a basic literacy around diversity and inclusive excellence by providing a common understanding. This session also explores how inclusion excellence contributes to a mentally healthier, and psychologically and physically safe workplace.

    This workshop can be customized for:

    - Recruiters/Hiring Managers

    - Managers/Supervisors

    - Board/Executive

    - More! Just ask.

  • 90 MIN | Virtual | In-Person

    This engaging and interactive session provides a frank conversation about the complex difficulties of being a part of a more diverse and inclusive organizations and/or teams. We explore the intercultural afterthought, the concept of “fit” and cultural conflict in a diverse team, and what is required to convert a team’s diversity into innovation.

  • 90 MIN | Virtual | In-Person

    Genuine allyship means going beyond personal statements of support, to proactively intervening in situations where members of our community are exposed to non-inclusive and often hurtful statements and behaviours.

    This interactive session will train participants to be “active bystanders,” prepared to take initiative in responding to and disrupting non-inclusive language and behaviour.

    By refusing to be passive observers, the active bystander creates a psychologically safer work environment.

  • 90 MIN | Virtual | In-Person

    The workshop will provide clarity around demonstrating allyship, and the five key traits of an ally, based on the work of Anne Bishop. The session will also highlight the four key barriers to allyship, including an exploration of diversity and inclusion key words and concepts.