Black History Month 2022


Happy Black History Month 2022!


While Black histories, stories, experiences, and voices cannot all be delved into in a single month, Black History Month does remind and encourage us to take the time to be intentional and purposeful in our learning and reflecting.

So as we usher in a new February, let’s take the opportunity to intentionally engage with Black History Month.

Self-reflection and education are always a good starting point. And doing this requires us to confront and challenge our implicit biases. Some examples of questions we can ask ourselves are,

  • What’s my social media feed like? Is there a diverse range of perspectives?

    We get so much of our news and updates from social media, so it’s a relatively easy and practical place to begin. We can curate our personal feeds to get a broader range of ideas and stories. Similarly,

We know that learning more history gives us a fuller understanding of our current social and political context. So while learning about the past is crucial, let’s keep in mind that BHM is also about recognizing and celebrating Black achievements—Black excellence—of both the past and present.

Black History Month is a time where educators should take seriously the history of violence and oppression that have been done to Black people, but also make clear that Black life is not singularly defined by that violence. The story of Black life is far more expansive than that.

—Clint Smith (@ClintSmithIII) February 1, 2022

We hope you join us in being intentional this Black History Month. Check out the resources below for some places to start, as well as our 2021 resource list.

Local organizations to keep on your radar

Check out and support these incredible local organizations.

Events & activities


International Women’s Day 2022


Juneteenth 2021